Shahid Rajeev Pandey Government College Bhatagaon, Raipur

Shahid Rajeev Pandey Government College Bhatagaon, Raipur Previously known as Government Naveen College,Bhatagaon was established on 19th June in the year 2018.

The college was named as Shahid Rajeev Pandey Government College Bhatagaon,Raipur on 6th October, 2018 in the memory of Shahid Rajeev Pandey, an eminent freedom fighter of Chhattisgarh in general and Raipur in particular. Rajeev Pandeyji was born on 11th April 1962 and was martyred on 29th May 1987 at an early age of 25. He was the Second Lieutenant in the Unit-8 Jammu and Kashmir Light Infantry and was awarded with VEER CHAKRA Posthumously.

Shahid Rajeev Pandey Government College Bhatagaon, Raipur which is situated in the middle of Raipur city, is a government college which provides the opportunities for higher education after completing school education to the children studying in schools of many wards along with the nearby villages. The College is affiliated with Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur (CG)and under 2 F by the UGC.

Shahid Rajeev Pandey Government College Bhatagaon, Raipur presently offers the Under-GraduationCourses namely B.COM, B.SC. and B.A.

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Years Of Experience

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About Us


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As the saying goes, “Without vision and mission, people perish,” In the same way a college also follow some vision. Our vision is to transform lives and community through learning" encapsulated in college’s monogram as “Gyanam Jyotirmaya Lokah"


  • To provide the value based education at affordable cost in all programs run by the college.
  • To pursue holistic development of the students through academic and extension activities.
  • To inculcate strong feeling for Gender Sensitivity, Social Obligation, National Value and Environmental Concern.
  • To instill quality of leadership and service towards the neighboring community and society.
  • To provide a continuously improving educational and research environment in which faculty, administrators, students and staff work together to educate our students.
  • To attract diverse outstanding students, and to motivate and educate them to reach their full potential.

Current Notification & Circular



Provisional Merit List for Guest Faculty (CHEMISTRY) has been released...........












  (2024) Result Declared    (Check your Result )













































































































# Final Merit List of Guest Faculty (CHEMISTRY) has been released......

Events & Activity

 ईस्ट जोन इंटर यूनिवर्सिटी खो खो स्पर्धा में महाविद्यालय के बी कॉम के छात्र देवेश व बी ए के पूर्व छात्र भोजराम की टीम तृतीय स्थान पर रही, बधाई व शुभकामनाएं

 महाविद्यालय के बी. काम. अंतिम वर्ष के छात्र चंदन ने 92 किग्रा से कम वजन वाले वर्ग की इंटर कॉलेज कुश्ती प्रतियोगिता में प्रथम स्थान प्राप्त किया और पं. रविशंकर शुक्ल विश्वविद्यालय की टीम की तरफ से इंटर यूनिवर्सिटी प्रतिस्पर्धा के लिए पंजाब जाने हेतु चयनित हुए। महाविद्यालय परिवार इसके उज्जवल भविष्य की कामना करता है।

Seminar & Workshop